Numerous meetings have been held at the Statehouse to review the EZ-ID Program with, and to seek the input of legislators, local police, state police, the Registry, the FBI/CJIS division, concerned citizens and families who lost children. We thank them all for their participation.
There is overwhelming support and endorsements from legislators, law enforcement, children’s groups, institutions, and concerned citizens. EZ-ID has advanced with the help of their pro-active involvement.
Again, our sincerest thanks.
A Partial List of Supporters
The New England Association of Chiefs of Police
Massachusetts District Attorneys Association (MDAA)
Massachusetts Major City Chiefs
Massachusetts Police Association
Massachusetts Fraternal Order Police
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office
City of Boston
City of Worcester
City of Springfield
State of Connecticut Office of the Victim Advocate
US Senator Blumenthal
Rhode Island Police Chief’s Association
Ed and Lois Smart, Parents of Elizabeth Smart
Molly Bish Foundation
Molly Bish Center at Anna Maria College
Forensic Archeology Recovery
ProtectMass Children
Enough Abuse
Prevent Children
Stop Child Predators
Pioneer Institute Public Policy Research
Jordan Levy Show
Greg Bryne Show
Salem Now
Joe Coggins Show
Hank Stolz Show
There are far too many people to thank here, so please forgive us for not listing everyone, but we need to recognize the very special contributions of some who have contributed in very significant ways. You have a made such a difference in public safety for all…THANK YOU.
Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr
The Bish Family
Piiranen Family
Jay Gardiner, Former Director Molly Bish Center at Anna Maria College
Lou Covino
Law Enforcement: Lew Evangelidis, Joe Early, Jr., Chiefs Mark Leahy, Bob Cambell, Joe Rebello
Mass DA’s Association
AAA Southern NE